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Now, page admins can better target their posts to a specific subset of fans. This allows only certain fans to see particular updates on the Page’s wall and on the targeted user’s news feed. This option is helpful as it allows to distribute relevant information and updates to their target customers . There are 7 criteria through which customers can be targeted – Age, Gender, Educational Status, Location, Relationship Status, Interested In and language.

Check out the Different ways Targeting offered by one and only Almighty Facebook:

Age Targeting will really work on the pages who want their content to be shown to specific age groups. For example events which are only organized for specific age group people.

Gender targeting will work wonders for brands whose products are gender specific. For example fashion pages showcasing female wardrobe will be more relevant for women than men.

Narrowing down the targeting comes in Educational Status. Different levels of education have different needs and requirements. It is a wonderful upgradation for Educational pages , as they can now easily reach the right audience and promote their products in an easy manner.

Location based targeting has brought more relevanceto the content promotion. This is a great way to reach out to the right audience and this opportunity would be best for brands that want to target fans according to cities and counties.

Facebook has become very kind to all its customers, giving the biggest opportunity for the brands dealing with wedding pages. These brands through their postings can reach out to the correct audience at once.Many brands on Facebook have an international audience that speaks a wide variety of languages. And now these  brands can easily split up their Fan Pages by language or location to meet that particular audience’s needs.

Richa Arora
Community Manager

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