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H1N1 or Swine flu is on the rise these days. Hospitals are flooded with many numbers of such cases in the city. So, here I am giving you an idea what else you can do to keep swine flue at bay. Other than staying away from the contaminated co-worker or relative, there are many other measures you can take up to keep healthy this spring.
The winter is going and leaving behind a painful cold and flu, infection prone atmosphere. Thereare many ways you can keep up with your stronger immunity.


Prevention is ALWAYS better than cure!

Wash your hands

Swine flu is the most contaminated disease ever seen. It is passed from one affected person to the other in no time. Direct contact with the person having cold and flu makes the contamination even faster. People generally sneeze with hands around mouth. When they touch the telephone, door handle or kitchen knife etc; the virus stays there alive till some one else touches it. Once a healthy person touches the infected object, the virus passes and infects the person. So, wash your hands every time after you sneeze. An alcohol based hand sanitizer can be a good buy.

Do not muffle sneeze to your hand

Do not sneeze in your hand. When you get sneeze, use tissue and immediately dispose the used tissue to avoid infection. If tissue is not available, you can sneeze at the inside part of your elbow.

Parents, keep away from your kids

Yes, sounds weird. But true. Cold and flu passes by touching eyes, mouth, and nose. If you are a victim, stay away from your kids to avoid the contamination to pass on to them.

Aerobics help to ease swine flu

Aerobics helps you to pump more blood and heats up your body that causes sweat. Transfer of oxygen from lungs to your heart increases. It helps in killing virus cells in your body.

Green helps healing

Go for lots of dark green vegetables. The colourful ones also help. They provide antibiotics, which would help heal soon from swine flu.

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